During The Winter Months The Number Of Ohio Slip Fall Accidents Rise As Well As Personal Injury Claim Filings After Ohio Are Unfortunately Injured Due To Icy Side-Walks And Parking Lots.
During the months of January, February, and March, when Ohio winter storms are at their worst, Ohio emergency rooms see an increase in injuries related to Ohio slip and falls accidents due to icy sidewalks and parking lots. According to NBC News, physicians treat about 2 percent more head, ankle, back, head, and wrist injuries during the winter season. The increase is higher this year than in previous years, is perhaps due to the sub-zero temperatures and increased ice and snow accumulation on Ohio roadways and sidewalks.
2014, the state saw an increase in Ohio slip and fall accidents. According to data from the Ohio Hospital Association, children are one of the largest demographics to get inured from weather-related slip and fall accidents. Children may not be as careful on icy walkways and are less experienced in avoiding falls. The Ohio Hospital Association reported that children under the age of 14 accounted for 50,000 fall injuries between 2002 and 2005. Children attending school in Columbus, Dayton, Akron, Cinncinatti, and other Ohio cities are at high risk for slip and fall accidents as they travel to and from school. [http://www.healthy.ohio.gov/vipp/child/~/media/18FEEEF3A72A435D971ECF501323A2E5.ashx, January 2015]
Alex Sosnowski, senior meteorologist for AccuWeather.com, reports that over the next few days, wet conditions combined with freezing temperatures will cause serious icing problems for Ohio residents. He urges Ohio pedestrians and motorists to take extra precautions until temperatures warm once more to avoid Ohio slip and falls accidents on icy patches.
Ohio Slip And Fall Laws
According to Ohio law, business owners are required to remove as much ice and snow from their property as possible and to warn patrons of dangerous conditions that could cause injuries. An Ohio business owner is liable for any injuries caused by negligence or wrongdoing by the property owner. However, proving negligence can be tricky, which is why obtaining the services of a personal injury attorney is beneficial. If you have been involved in an Ohio slip and fall accident due to icy Ohio weather, contact an Ohio personal injury attorney right away to discuss the details of your accidents, your injuries and possible compensation you could be awarded. [http://www.abc22now.com/template/cgi-bin/archived.pl?type=basic&file=/shared/news/top-stories/stories/archive/2014/02/VvcABv8N.xml, January 2015]
How To Prevent Ohio Slip And Fall Accidents Due To Icey Side-Walks And Icy Parking Lots
The best way to prevent slip and fall accidents in Ohio that occur due to weather is to practice safe ice practices. The following tips can help adults and children in Ohio avoid injury this winter:
- Wear boots with a high amount of traction to prevent slipping.
- Avoid walking directly on ice patches and take care when walking on snow, as it can hide icy patches.
- Alert any business owners to the presence of ice on their property.
- Take small steps when walking in snow and ice.
- Teach children how to walk on ice and caution them to avoid ice in parking lots and roads.
About Wright & Schulte LLC
Wright & Schulte LLC, an Ohio personal injury firm, is dedicated to the belief that America´s legal system should work for the people. Every day, the attorneys of Wright & Schulte LLC stand up for the rights of people who have been injured by the negligence or misconduct of others. Whether it is a personal injury due to a highway accident, medical malpractice, product liability, nursing home abuse, a construction accident, wrongful death, or any other lawsuits we are always here to answer any questions and help in any way we can. It costs nothing to talk to us, so schedule a free initial consultation. There is no obligation. You can have the advice of a respected legal professional. Contact our office at yourohiolegalhelp.com or by phone at (937)-222-7477 to set up your free appointment.
Wright & Schulte LLC
865 S. Dixie Dr.
Vandalia, Ohio 45377