Police Brutality Lawyers in Ohio

Police Brutality Lawsuits
Having a badge and a gun does not give a police officer the right or authority to act with unreasonable or excessive force. Police brutality violates your civil rights under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Police brutality is also a violation of Section 1983 of the Federal Civil Rights Act. Section 1983 allows individuals to sue police officers in Ohio or federal courts for police brutality and other civil rights violations.
At Wright & Schulte LLC, we strongly believe that no instance of police brutality or law enforcement misconduct should ever go unpunished. We aggressively pursue justice on behalf of police brutality victims in cases that involve:
- Excessive use of force
- Inappropriate or excessive use of a taser gun
- Wrongful police shooting
- Unnecessary use of pepper spray
- Inappropriate use of police dogs
- Abuse of prisoner’s rights
- Prison suicide
- False arrest
- Wrongful imprisonment
Unfortunately, victims of police brutality are often afraid to come forward. And frequently when they do, their complaints concerning police misconduct are simply ignored. At Wright & Schulte LLC, we’re used to taking on powerful interests, so we won’t be intimidated by those who seek to protect abusive law enforcement officers. Our police brutality lawyers possess an extensive understanding of the issues involved in these difficult cases. They’ll thoroughly investigate you claims to determine if policies of the department employing the offending officer led to the constitutional violation and abuse. Our police brutality lawyers and their investigators know how to examine police reports, locate witnesses, gain access to police videos or other recordings of the incident, and interview officers that were at the scene to get at the evidence needed to file an Ohio or federal civil rights lawsuit on your behalf. You can trust Wright Schulte to provide you with an honest assessment of your case and to commit fully to protecting your rights should you decide to proceed with your police brutality lawsuit.
Ohio Police Brutality Lawsuit Evaluations
If you or a loved were the victim of police brutality at the hands of an Ohio law enforcement officer, and you’re looking for an Ohio personal injury law firm that will guarantee the caring, personalized and loyal representation you deserve, please do not hesitate to contact Wright & Schulte LLC today. Police brutality lawsuits are subject to strict notification and filing deadlines, so you must act quickly. For a free, no obligation legal evaluation of your case, simply fill out the online form on the right, or give Wright & Schulte LLC a call, at (937)-222-7477.
Main Office – Dayton
Wright & Schulte LLC
- (937) 222-7477 (Call or Text)
- (937) 222-7911 (Fax)
- 130 W. Second St. Suite 1600 Dayton, OH 45402
Vandalia Office
Wright & Schulte LLC
- (937) 435-7500
- (937) 435-7511
- 865 S. Dixie Dr. Vandalia, Ohio 45377
Cleveland Office
Wright & Schulte LLC
- (216) 591-0133
- (216) 591-0622
- 23240 Chagrin Blvd #620 Beachwood, Ohio 44122