While Ohio Workplace Injuries Occur All To Often The Ohio Bureau Of Workers’ Compensation Applauded Ohio Businesses For A Decline In Workplace Injuries
In April, the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) recognized hundreds of Ohio businesses for their success in keeping employees safe while on the job and for having fewer workplace injuries than ever before. These businesses were recognized during a meeting of several Ohio safety councils that partner with the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. All of the businesses were awarded for six months and 500,000 working hours without any injuries that resulted in a day or more of time off from work. Other awards offered to Ohio businesses were the Group Award, which offers an award to the safest company in each industry; the 100% Award, which is awarded to employers who had zero illnesses and injuries that resulted in a day or more away from work, and an Achievement Award, which awards companies who have improved safety by 25 percent or more from the previous year.
The BWC works to educate employers and workers on how to improve workplace safety and decrease Ohio Workplace Injuries in all industries. Keeping safety standards high help prevent workplace injuries and benefit both employee and company. Safety councils are run by local Ohio business organizations to help keep companies up-to-date on the latest safety regulations and standards, as well as what products and services can help improve workplace safety in any industry. Safety councils also meet regularly to discuss how to improve the safety and health of all workplace environments and workers. This not only benefits employees, but also reduces the liability of companies. BWC CEO Steve Buehrer said of the honored companies, “Their impressive safety records show these businesses have thoughtfully incorporated safety into their operations. They recognize that keeping their workforce safe and healthy is not only the right thing to do; it is paramount to the success of their businesses. I applaud them and encourage more participation in safety councils, which provide an outstanding forum for networking, and safety education and training.” [May 2014, http://www.claimsjournal.com/news/midwest/2014/05/01/248273.htm]
According to data from the 2012 Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses from the Ohio Bureau of Labor Statistics, the rate of Ohio Workplace Injuries is less than the national average. Ohio workers have an injury rate of about 3.2 incidences per 100 workers. The national rate of incidence was about 3.4 injuries per 100 workers in 2012. This rate of injury continues a pattern of improved safety that has slowly increased over the past decade in Ohio and nationwide. 2012 saw an estimated 129,200 reported injuries in Ohio, but only 29 percent of those injuries resulted in a day or more off of work. 18 percent of cases resulted in a temporary job transfer or on restriction, and 53 percent of cases did not result in any time off work or job transfer. According to the survey, the highest number of injuries occurs in the transportation, warehousing, construction, utility work, healthcare, manufacturing, retail trade, and social assistance industries. The BWC hopes that by educating employers about safety and awarding safe companies, the rate of injuries in Ohio will continue to drop. [May 2014, http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/osh.pdf] May 2014, http://www.insurancejournal.com/magazines/features/2014/02/24/320782.htm]
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