Coronavirus and Wright & Schulte
With the rapid spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the changes in society, Wright & Schulte remains committed to fighting for your rights. These are unprecedented times and we want everyone to remain safe.
We are committed to helping those in need while pursuing health and safety. Currently, all offices are closed to visitors. Please contact us by phone or email and we will be happy to assist you.
We must do our part in following the CDC guidelines to limit the spread of this virus. Therefore, we have implemented a work-from-home policy for our employees and other measures to ensure our services are not limited. We are closely monitoring and following the State and Federal guidelines.
We have put together the necessary tools to keep in contact with our clients and our team members to continue providing legal services. While operating remotely, we are operating as normal. We will keep you posted on our closed offices and more as needed. Wright and Schulte has a history of zealously fighting for your rights and we will continue fighting during this time.