Family Of John Crawford III Will Hold Press Conference To Discuss Wrongful Death Lawsuit

  • Post category:July 2016

It has been two years since John Crawford III was fatally shot by Beavercreek police officers as he innocently stood in the aisle of a local Wal-Mart. John’s family is still seeking justice for his death.

John crawford III, fatal police shooting, beavercreek walmart

On August 5, 2014, John Crawford, 22 years old, was talking on his cell phone after picking up a pellet gun, sold by Wal-Mart, from a shelf while shopping for other merchandise at the store. A bystander called 911 to report a person with a gun. Police officers, responding to the call, failed to assess the situation before using lethal force. Crawford was shot and killed minutes later.

As the family is confronted with the second anniversary of Crawford’s death, their Attorney Michael Wright representing the Crawford family and the attorneys at Wright & Schulte LLC continue to be prevented from questioning the two officers involved in the shooting.

The Department of Justice’s federal investigation has been slow to bring resolution to John Crawford’s case. Over 200 cameras in the Beavercreek Wal-Mart recorded Crawford’s movement within the store until the time he was shot by police. Video showed that Crawford was doing nothing wrong and was not breaking the law. Beavercreek Police Departmental policy requires its officers to assess a situation before using lethal force.

Attorney Michael Wright expresses the family’s frustration, “In September 2014, a special grand jury did not indict Williams. Our request for the grand jury transcript has been turned down, and we are still being denied the opportunity to depose Williams and Darkow, the officers responsible for shooting John.”

Attorney Wright stated, “This family has waited two years for answers. They deserve the truth from the Beavercreek police and from Wal-Mart so they can bring closure and find peace regarding the death of their son and father. We are determined to get justice for John Crawford III.”

Date: Thursday, July 28, 2016
Time: 10:30 am EST
Place: 130 W. Second St. Ste. 1600
Dayton, OH 45402

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